UTFCast Professional 2 is released today!

September 03, 2012

UTFCast Professional 2 is released today! This version brings you a new batch conversion experience. Upgrade to v2 and you'll get:

  • Real-time encoding detection
  • In-place Conversion with only 2 clicks
  • Filter file names by wildcards or regular expression
  • Automation with Bachuite XML
  • Faster response and fewer memory consumption
  • More flexible licensing schemes
  • Native 32-bit and 64-bit version
  • Many minor improvements to the GUI and the conversion engine.

Now we provide two licensing schemes: one is based on a per-user basis, the other one is based on a per-PC basis. Each license covers both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions. That is, you pay one license and get two versions. What a great deal!

To celebrate the launch of the new version, if you purchase your license before 15th, October, 2012, you will get a 25% off discount when checkout. Click here to purchase your license now.

All customers who have purchsed their old license in the past 60 days, can upgrade your license to the latest version free of charge. We are already working on the upgrade process and you'll receive your license upgrade soon.

All customers who have registered their old licenses in our Client Center, will receive a 50% discount off the normal price for upgrade. The discount will be available in your RotatingScrew Client Center Account in a few days. Click here to login to our Client Center. or click here to Create an account.